Diary by Chuck Palahniuk

So, having recently read Fight Club, I decided to take a shot at another Palahniuk book. (I'm not sure if that rhymed or not, but it would be cool if it did) Diary did not disappoint. A great tale kept me wanting more until the surprising conclusion, not unlike Fight Club. If you liked Fight Club and you don't mind the dark style of the book/movie, you'll love this book. Palahniuk turns a phrase better than anyone I've read in a long time.


promoteyourblogforfree said...

nice blog

Marci said...

Oooh - thanks for the recommendation. I will definitely check it out. Good luck with your reading!

Kristin said...

I was browsing blogs and came across yours. I had no idea Fight Club was also a book. I loved that movie; I can't wait to check this book out!